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Comic Life
This comic was created with the software called Comic Life. This software is used to make comic books and comic desgins using pictures and small amounts of text through speech bubbles. This application is mostly used within schools for asignments and for at home fun, considering that the comics created are not very professional, and are not often used in the business world. 
Over the week that I worked on this project, I learned many new things including Ergonomics, and information about comics. Ergonomics is "the study of how the physical health of workers is affected by their workspace" or in more simpler terms, looking at how if a workers space is ergonomically incorrect, it can affect how they work and their health (back, neck and wrist problems). I also learned that comics are usually only created when using speech bbbles to describe whats happening, and short descriptive boxes occasionally. Usually you do not have alot of text in comics, mostly pictures. Finally I learned how to use my imgaintaion to describe information using pictures and few words
In future years, Comic Life 2 is a great way to engage audiences when teaching about a specific topic, with the colour and interesting pictures people can become more interested in the topic and makes people pay attention more to what they are learning about.  
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